Wednesday, February 18, 2009

wonderful: the bottle says it all

so good, and so good for you.

last couple days have been tiring, and rough. this helped me out a little bit. helped out my taste buds and headache at least! i suggest you try it, and every other pom flavor. i should write to the company so i can get some coupons, one 16 oz. bottle is $5 :( although, it is a small price to pay for tangerine anti-oxidant heaven! enough about a drink.

and just a cute picture of me and my booberry.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


How do you become unstressed/unworried? i need some cures. honestly i don't really have anything to be stressed over..yet i feel like it's occuring.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

just within my reach

scared to death. everything seems to be coming at me so quickly. this time around, i cannot be my own worst enemy because that is the only factor that's ever contributed to bringing me down. even if i feel i can't do something, or if i try i'll fail. i will keep on, keepin' on. as they say. this is a new thing for me. it used to be second nature to give up when things get hard but no one will get anywhere in life if they have this mind-set.

i have my mind-set. to continue, and be continuing forever.

"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do."

on a lighter note:

i want to purchase a fisheye lomo camera by the time summer rolls around. just taking shots here and there. i have a regular holga and want to learn how to use it better, as well. i've had it for about 2 years and only really got in to using it when i went to florida a year ago then it ceased. mayyybe because i HATE having to manually rewind the film with my hands. such an annoying process, really. (ironic how what i was talking about all the way above relates to the fisheye picture. that's what i want to be able to do with life. make beats.)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


should be sent to a mental institution, i've never encountered such an annoying, crazy, pouncing, maniac kitten like him before. he's so kitten-like. a little tttooo kitten-like.

Monday, February 9, 2009


day of classes. surprisingly more excited than nervous.

yesterday i caught myself 3 times in a row from falling off the top of the subway stairs. almost fell, almost fell, almost fell, finally catch my balance. with a little help from apollos coat, and some random man. why in the hell wooouuuuld you put a 3 inch ledge at the top of the steps, and whyyy was i wearing heels on the day this fate occured? oh well, knew it would happen eventually. i just didn't think this soon. my life is funny. anyways, watch out for the (i think it was 16th) 16th and union sq. subway stairs.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

this album

taking over my ears. "milk crisis" is my favorite.

tomorrow i start school, 9 months straight of classes. only about 2 random days off. i will survive. will i survive?
logos & pathos, i guess.